Friday 20 September 2013

Absence makes the heart grow fonder???

Didn't realise that i hadn't written on my blog for so long!!! Wish i could say i was very busy with work:P  I have had my share of it no doubt but the real reason for not favouring the blog was because it needs skill!! The art of writing and i was never very good with it!! I am not formal, neither in my approach to life or anyone, and neither to writing!!! I write what comes to my heart and have an aversion to re-check even for spell check!! So found the task of keeping my blog alive , very tedious to say the least! Had anyway startd it to put up my work for people to see and check, but with a facebook page, i dont feel the need for even that now!!
But just the other day i met up with a friend, and she somehow convinced me to restart the blog and hear i am!! I have done some projects and i will put up the pictures about it soon. But more that pictorial reference, i want to maybe share how it was on the set while doing the work, what were the challenges, what kind of help i got from unexpected quarters, how we(and i say we not because i have a partner but because what i do is team work)managed to finish our given jobs inspite of many odds!!
So hoping to continue this jouney of blogging and pouring out my experiences without having any major in English Lit.
See you guys soon!!