Monday 9 April 2012

The challenge of living in a rented house.....
We all or lets say most of us know this pain....we have limitations as to what we can change in that house to make it more our style...
Ofcourse we do our bit of upholstering it  to our choice and do small changes that does make a difference but when we are talking of more IMPACTFUL  a change we can think of paint.When we get a new house or when  we have to maintain it every few years, we all get our house painted.The least expensive way to make your home special is by painting it. You can really stamp your individuality on it.
The most common misconception is that dark colours on the wall reduces the feeling of space in the house but my thinking is it DEFINES the given space.....
So go colour happy, take that opportunity to individualise your home!! With the same budget you can change the look completely. There are so many reasonable options available that you  can with some extra money put in by you, can create a work of art on a wall with just paints.
So go conquer the world, make your home special!!Nothing satisfies us more than a space where we and our families can unwind.
And why not unwind in a lovely ambience which satisfies you without pinching your pocket!!
                                                    redefine your thoughts and space....add

                                                              a mosaic of colours!!!!!

                                                             Stencil art- alittle extra money put in can create a work of art!

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